Friday, September 26, 2008


Grief, sorrow and sadness. Mixed feelings. One life ends, another begins. I am so grateful to have my daughter Sunny and her family with me, especially little Lila (Leela). I will be back soon, love Grammie

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Do you take the time to admire the beauty of God's nature? I have been so busy this last month, this weed took me totally by surprise...
and these Bitterroots (called Rock Roses in WA) - AWESOME!

I borrowed some of His lovely creations for the entrance of "Midnower"...

but nothing can be as breathtaking as the jewels He provides without our help like this wild rose.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It snowed last week. Spent the last 5 days trying to salvage what didn't freeze in the garden. Wanted to give up on it but no can do with the current prices of veggies. Saved what I could and replaced what I couldn't. Now it's just weed and water and blog guilt free.

Funny, the things that go thru my head while working outside. Today it was all about snakes. Started when I stepped outside and startled a little Gardener Snake who was sunning himself on the back stoop, caused me to do a knee to chin high run in place while screaming. The mouth wide open type of scream that you can't stop till you run out of air.

I hate snakes. It stems from a close call I had when I was around 3. My parents, sister and I were visiting my uncle and cousin in OR. We were walking along a trail single-file, looking for wild strawberries on our way to swim in the Rouge River. My dad was leading, then my mom, sister, cousin Lynn, me and my uncle brought up the rear. My uncle Doyle was a farmer and it was normal to see him with a rifle of some sort. He carried a shot gun on that hot summer day and I didn't really pay attention to it till I heard a loud "BOOM" and felt something hit my leg. First thing after looking down and seeing blood on my leg and yellow flowered sun dress, I thought, YIKES! - why was he shooting at me? My dad yelled, grabbed me up and pointed to what was left of a big snake writhing around on the ground next to where I had been walking. Uncle Doyle said the Timber Rattler was coiled and ready to strike at my leg. The edge of my dress fluttering in the wind was really interesting to him. Those rattle snakes don't have buttons on their tails to warn people (shouldn't they be called Rattlel-less Snakes?).

I was more scared of being in trouble (I had spent the morning sitting in the chicken house watching a big brown snake that had swallowed an egg in a nest box then crawled thru a knot hole to the next nest and eaten another one. It was fascinating...just couldn't leave without knowing how he was going to get out of his predicament. The chicken house was off limits (probably because of the snakes!) so I was feeling guilty about being naughty. When the gun went off and I thought it was MY blood I was looking at, the only thing I could think of was - I'll never go in the chicken house, or the pig pen, or the pond (and all the other places I wasn't supposed to go but did) again, HONEST!!

Years later, my mom had an experience with a Rattle Snake that still gives me the creeps. She and a friend had read about an orchid sale in a near-by town. Off they went in her friend's van to select their favorites that had been brought to No. CA from So. CA and displayed in beautiful baskets. They picked out a couple nice ones and as she carried it to the check-out, my mom felt a stinging-burning on her hand. She figured she had just gotten poked by part of the basket so went on loading the treasure into the van.

After a 30 min. trip home, she carried her prize into the house and found the perfect spot for it in the living room. About 15 min. later she heard her little terrier barking and skittering around on the dining room floor. Coming from the back of her home to see what the racket was about, she sees a foot and a half long rattle snake coiled up and striking at the dog. Then she looked at her hand and saw 2 little holes in the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger.

Luckily the viper held back it's venom so Mom got only the residue off the fangs. She said the site itched for 3 months and after 15 yr., she still has the scars. Every time I visit her, I can't keep my eyes off the "snake basket". The orchid has long since passed away but the basket lives on, only OUTSIDE on the deck.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Last night my daughter, Sunny, gave birth to a daughter, Leela. I haven't heard all the details yet but they are both healthy and that's all that matters. I am thrilled for Sunny as she has longed for a girl since having a boy 13 yr. ago, marrying a man who had 2 boys and then giving birth to 2 more boys.
I am truly blessed! 8 natural grandchildren, 5 boys and 3 girls plus 2 boys I love just as much.
Life is wonderous...

life is amazing...

life is what it is...

life is good!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


My youngest son's boy, Kyle, visited me the other day. We went thru some old photo albums and I found this cute one of him as a baby with my dog, Jake. It dawned on me that Kyle is 7 now and Jake was 3 when this was taken.

Jake, a border collie/Australian Shepherd, is the ultimate dog. I knew he was special when I bought him out of a box in OR while on vacation. Wasn't looking for a dog, his caramel colored eyes just spoke to me. We bonded immediately.

He loves commands, either verbal or hand signs. Jake will even do his "business" and eat and drink when told. His favorite things are to attack hose water and dig for mice. So eager to please...and he does, I love him SO much!

Last winter, when we had a football field of crotch-high drifts of snow, I couldn't find one of the cats. Hadn't seen her in a couple days and was starting to worry. Not taking the time to find snowshoes, I trudged out to the old shop late one night...couldn't sleep thinking about Cozy freezing to death. Didn't find her so I started back to the house. With about 30 yd. to go, I lost all energy and kind of leaned to the side in the snow, exhausted. Trying to keep the Wellingtons on my feet and having to dig for them every few steps just wore me out. I laid there in the 18 deg. thinking "this is silly", wondering, who's going to take care of Old Pa?! Before I knew it, Jake was on me like a blanket. He covered me like a comforter until I built my strength enough to continue on and make it back inside, safe.

Cozy was found the next day safe and sound, who knows where she found shelter. Cats are like that tho! Jake is just Jake. I look at him now at age 70 in dog years and I realize how darn fast the years go by. Wish God had made dogs lives longer than 10-15 years or so...doesn't seem right, does it?

The old shop. It's been around for over 100 yr., barely! If I don't remove the roof, don't think it will make it thru another winter like the last one. I want to restore this 1950 Chevy 1 ton truck too.

Time does fly, doesn't it?

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It rained last night which is oh-so-welcome in this high-desert area of eastern WA. The alfalfa is spreading out and sending down roots. One interesting aspect of this plant is, it will grow roots about 25 ft. long so it does well in arid conditions.
Overnight, the leaves on the trees in the front yard popped out. From front to back; Bing Cherry, Crimson Maple and Weeping Birch. This makes the nesting birds very happy and me too 'cause I love to watch and listen to them.

Even the Land Tortoise came out, imagine that!!

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Saturday, May 17, 2008


Born the same year I was, 1948, my Ford 8N tractor is true-blue, just keeps on chugging along and WHAT we can do together! Here she is with a mole-board plow behind her and this is what she did...

the entire garden area is turned up and waiting for manure to be tilled in. Yep, she can do that too!
Now, if I can figure out how to move those heavy railroad ties out from under the 2nd set of bows, we'll get that area done also. Plastic will be stretched over them and will be removed when all danger of frost is past.
This is gross but funny...
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Chelsea created a "Monumental Turd" today. She looks a little embarresed, doesn't she? Just had to share...sorry!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I love this pic of my mom and my sister who is 6 yr. older than me. It was taken during WWII and sent to my father overseas. Even tho the colorist got the eyes wrong, mom has light blue and Patti green, (there was a time, before color film was available, an artist would tint the pics w/ color paint to make them more realistic), I thot my mother was the most beautiful women in the world. I was always resentful she married an almond eyed, long limbed, bumpy nosed Irishman whom I resemble!
My mom, Ellie, will soon be 85 and is still a beautiful, talented artist and wood carving instructor. Hope I have her energy when I get there. While she admits to never wanting children (only poodles), she's been a wonderful mother and I love her w/ all my heart!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Russian Thistles from last year going away. In MT, we had to get rid of Russian Knapweed...what's with the Russians bringing weeds to America, anyway?!?

This is alfalfa. It is a GOOD thing. Hopefully we will have enough moisture and it will spread out so the ground will be totally green and lush...that is my dream. Simple life, huh?!

Grass and alfalfa growing on 150 acres across the road for wildlife. Domestic animals don't eat here; just elk, deer, moose, coyotes, badgers and lots of birds.

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Monday, May 5, 2008


So excited! Spotted this little bit of color today, a Grape Hyacinth. Looked around for others and saw this...
my cocker pup, Chelsea, EATING the Grape Hyacinth! Check out those eyelashes, how could I ever get angry at this baby?
Omar, enjoying the sun. He found some beauty too...
ordered Honey Bees today, just in time! Now if the frost stays away...we'll have cherries!!
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Me before farm... Me now...

I rose with the sun today. Rain was expected and I had a million things to do outside so an early start was in order. We have these big, stickery tumble weeds called Russian Thistles that blow in from God knows where, seed themselves and then roll on to someone else's field. Last year I didn't have cows so the thistles grew and grew and grew. Cows don't eat them but their hoofs knock the little ones out of the ground and end their pesky lives.

It's been windy and I noticed yesterday the weeds are anticipating their journey into our neighbors newly planted wheat fields...this is NOT good! So, armed with a couple small propane torches, a lighter, rake, shovel and pitchfork, I set out this morning to attack the enemy before they got too wet to burn.

Starting in acres where equipment is stored, I toured the area and checked out implements I didn't want to burn and noticed how old they are. Plows, packers, weeders, seeders, harrows and disks, some with old metal wheels hunkered here and there. Still usable but rusty and worn!

As I went to work, had to smile as I compared this equipment with our neighbor's tractor set up with a GPS system. I see that rig pulling new, shiny implements across perfectly precise planted hills. Farmer John doesn't even have to steer!

The rain never came and I kept pulling up and burning those blasted tumble weeds and working till I felt like I was going to drop. Finally, it was too dark to see so I gave up and trudged into the house. As I passed the dining room mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself. Stopping to ponder my reflection, I realized that I'm not the same person who came here to take care of Old Pa and this farm years ago. Letting my hair grow out grey isn't the only change, ... still usable but rusty and worn!

Monday, April 28, 2008



This quiet reflection of her best friend, Bridgette, is beautiful.
"she was murdered 18 years ago. Bridgette was beautiful but all mixed up like the branches of the trees. Her spirit shows through the tangle."

Incredible! Congratulations Laura~peach~!! Please e-mail your address so I can get the $40.00 Charbonneau's Chocolate Co. gift certificate to you. Hugs, Grammie

Sunday, April 27, 2008


It was hard for Old Pa to choose a winner in this contest. This one from Deb Dub spoke to him also.
"reminds me of my brother, as he was always a very cut and dry kind of guy, yet he definitely was a shining star. He was strong as this sunset and will always shine eternally in my heart."

Try as I did, I couldn't enlarge this one to do it justice.

Thanks to all that entered my first contest! The next one will be a "what is this?"... something from the attic that even I don't know what it is. Fun!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Results will be in on Monday. I enjoyed viewing the entries...awesome pics! Awesome people!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I believe spectacular sunsets represent the lives of warm, caring and loving people who have passed from earthly life. This was my Uncle (Bear) Joe's spirit saying goodbye, I just knew it...I could feel his love and warmth as I gazed at it. It lasted a long time like he did, 95 yr. when he died and what a huge hole he left behind.

Descended from Lewis and Clark's guide, Sacajawea - Charbonneau bloodline, he was a big, huggable bear of a man. I could sit for hours listening to his stories. What I would give for a Bear hug right now!

Send me your best sunset pic and tell me whom it represents to you.
Old Pa will choose his favorite "quiet reflection" of someone remembered by you.

My cousin Sally (re: GIFTED AND TALENTED: 3-28-08), owns Charbonneau's Chocolate Co. in Stevensville, MT. Check it out at - - You've gotta see Sally's "MT Bunny Noses" and read the history. The winner will receive a gift certificate from there that can be used on-line. Contest ends Fri. night at 10:00 Pac. time. Good luck!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hallie from WWofW, is having a dressed up pet contest on her site. Went thru all my pics but couldn't find one of my cat in a hat, soooooooo... I sent her one of me in my cat.
I rehabilitated wildlife in MT and ended up with some wonderful and unusual friends. One of my favorites was "Flower", a sweet little skunk who kept the yard grass-hopper free and slept in my lap while I watched TV. The kitties were always too busy hunting to get cozy with me!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


This is Katy being ridden by King Henry VIII at a Renaissance Fair in WA and in her pasture when we had a ranch in MT. Mighty nice horse but has a nasty habit of squishing fences! Since I live in the middle of nowhere, I finally just let her "free-range".
Our neighbors 2 miles north of us were driving home one night and Katy decided to race them home. Their children heard her coming and when she passed them, they thought the Headless Horseman was after them and screamed all the way home.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Preparation of the garden soil is officially underway, much to the dismay of Pesky Tim. He was downright rude to me this morning, barked some pretty offensive remarks. After last Spring when he was evicted, I didn't think he's have the nerve to move back in!

Run away Tim, run far, far away!!
A farm is an island. The house and yard are surrounded with acres and acres of fields that have been sprayed with every kind of bug killer available. Insects of all kinds take refuge here.
Last year I brought in a bushel of fresh picked corn. It was late so I dumped it out on the hammered stainless steel kitchen counter and went to bed. In the morning, I found an army of earwigs in and under everything, YECK!. Grabbed the Lysol and started scrubbing then relaxed with a cup of coffee. The java, in the electric coffee maker was left over from the day before, no problem, nuked it. While enjoying the hot beverage, I noticed a slight unusual flavor which didn't bother me till I saw the remains of 100 troopers floating in the bottom of the carafe, YECK, YECK, and YECK!!