Friday, March 14, 2008


You never know when a tragedy may strike your family or friends. I've been pretty lucky so far. My Dad passed away a couple weeks before his 80th birthday and I've lost all my grandparents and uncles, each death was painful but since we don't live forever, it was expected.

My cousin died of AIDS in the early '90s. We weren't real close, saw him every year or so. He and his sister were my dad's only sibling's offspring. Jerry started feeling sick and was gone 6 months later because of a tainted blood transfusion. I was able to say good-bye.

Then there's losing someone you love, one day they're there, the next GONE. The shock, the pain, the anger, the question WHY? The guilt kicks in. I could have been nicer to him, could have made more of an effort to keep in touch. Lots and lots of guilt.

Hold on to the ones you love. Let them know you care. Give big hugs even over the phone. When it happens, because it happens to all of us eventually, the pain will be eased because you know they KNEW!

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