Saturday, May 17, 2008


Born the same year I was, 1948, my Ford 8N tractor is true-blue, just keeps on chugging along and WHAT we can do together! Here she is with a mole-board plow behind her and this is what she did...

the entire garden area is turned up and waiting for manure to be tilled in. Yep, she can do that too!
Now, if I can figure out how to move those heavy railroad ties out from under the 2nd set of bows, we'll get that area done also. Plastic will be stretched over them and will be removed when all danger of frost is past.
This is gross but funny...
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Chelsea created a "Monumental Turd" today. She looks a little embarresed, doesn't she? Just had to share...sorry!


Laura ~Peach~ said...

HA HA HA HA HA thats just sick and wrong and toooooo funny!
Grins and hugs Laura

Pippa Hedison said...

Love the monument! Showed my husband, told him it was a monument and he believed me, when I told him it was poo, he just laughed ha ha ha!
I have been reading your blog for a few days now after coming across it some how.
Very interesting!!!
I would love to live your life.
Peace and hugs
Pippa x

Grammie Hoffman in WA said...

Welcome Pippa! Glad you enjoyed that...probably the 1st one to ever blog poop!