Friday, September 26, 2008


Grief, sorrow and sadness. Mixed feelings. One life ends, another begins. I am so grateful to have my daughter Sunny and her family with me, especially little Lila (Leela). I will be back soon, love Grammie


joanne said...

This is my first time here and I am so sad and sorry to read of your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I will be back to catch up on your blog and to check in on you. Please take care...

Karen said...

Hello Aunt Deni~

I have been thinking about you alot. I sure miss Uncle Gary and have been thinking about him alot too. I am sorry I haven't been over to dad's to scan those pictures for you. I will try to do that soon. I have called to see how you are doing and left a message. I sure hope you doing OK. It has been busy with the kids in school and 3 different open house for each of the kids schools. Ugh what stress. I am so blessed to have been there with you during this time. Hope to be able to see you soon. Love, Karen