Friday, April 11, 2008


Preparation of the garden soil is officially underway, much to the dismay of Pesky Tim. He was downright rude to me this morning, barked some pretty offensive remarks. After last Spring when he was evicted, I didn't think he's have the nerve to move back in!

Run away Tim, run far, far away!!
A farm is an island. The house and yard are surrounded with acres and acres of fields that have been sprayed with every kind of bug killer available. Insects of all kinds take refuge here.
Last year I brought in a bushel of fresh picked corn. It was late so I dumped it out on the hammered stainless steel kitchen counter and went to bed. In the morning, I found an army of earwigs in and under everything, YECK!. Grabbed the Lysol and started scrubbing then relaxed with a cup of coffee. The java, in the electric coffee maker was left over from the day before, no problem, nuked it. While enjoying the hot beverage, I noticed a slight unusual flavor which didn't bother me till I saw the remains of 100 troopers floating in the bottom of the carafe, YECK, YECK, and YECK!!


Debra said...

I have missed you, Grammie! Sounds like you have been very busy getting read for Spring.

Bugs in your coffee, YUCK!!! If it makes you feel any better, I once ate a cookie that had ants on it. BLECH!

I just realized that I have not added you to my "favorite places to visit" list yet, so I am going to do that now. I just love finding out about life on the farm.


Anonymous said...

I see you take a lot of protein with your coffee better than sugar?must try that.may GOD bless you.